Right Time to Start Network Marketing (MLM) Full Time

Right Time to Start Network Marketing (MLM) Full Time

When is the right time to take Network Marketing full-time job? Mostly people ask this question to their uplines and the obvious answer they get is ” Right Now”. I don’t agree with them, you know why? The success ratio in network marketing is between 3 to 7 percent. Network Marketing is just like any other business in your vicinity. Did you ever notice that out of 7 grocery shops, 3-4 closed after a year. The reason of there closer could be because they did not study repercussion involved in grocery business, mostly demand & supply and risk factor. Same, here in Network Marketing, we must give a thought to it, before taking Network Marketing 24/7.

Still the question remains, when to take it 24/7? It totally depends on you, like in business, how much risk you can take and keep moving forward. While working in Network Marketing, I learnt that unless I’m taking care of my needs I should not take Network Marketing full-time. Why I must take care of basic needs first and then think of jumping 24/7 into MLM. At times it happens that we try our best to focus on the business opportunity, but tend to lose focus. Some times because of house rent, phone bills, etc,. These are very small things but very important.

It would be better that we do our regular job sincerely, as our Plan A and develop a keen interest toward Plan B (MLM). The moment you gain some knowledge about Network Marketing and start making some money, then double your efforts. Still don’t think of doing MLM full-time. The day your commissions at Network Marketing becomes consistent and surpass your job income, then think of giving full-time try. Now you know that basic needs will not bother you and will be taken care from your regular commissions.

Many leave network marketing at an early stage for many reasons and they end up blaming uplines, companies etc,. My advice to fellow networkers, first learn about Network Marketing (MLM), like you did at school and then exploit your options.
To Your Success in Business & Health in Life,

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